The Rebel Christian

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Find Your Blessings

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One of the things I have learned as a Christian is to be appreciative. That sounds like it comes with the calling, right? How do you not appreciate the Word of God? The gift of Salvation? The Blood of Christ Jesus?

But I’m actually talking about things much smaller than that. I’m talking about appreciating the little things you didn’t pray for—or even the ones you did! This article is a little bit of a personal testimony, but I want to share it anyway because I think it is something others can take away from.

I had been praying to the Lord for help in my finances recently. After starting a publishing company and releasing our first book, I was burnt out and didn’t really know what to do next. I was fasting and praying and quoting my scriptures—God is my provider [Matthew 6:25-34]. Your word goes forth and accomplishes what You sent it to do [Isaiah 55:11]. God will never leave me nor forsake me [Hebrews 13:5]. Jesus Christ came so that I may have life and have it abundantly [John 10:10].

I was so confused as I searched for God’s blessings and answers, but I never stopped believing. Then one day I noticed a little card came in the mail. It was for a job that was looking to hire. I avoided that little card for so long because I didn’t want to get a job outside the home. I wanted the Lord to bless the publishing company with books sales. I wanted to get approved for a nice grant for the business. I wanted my writing to be my work and nothing else.

Eventually I applied for the job.

It wasn’t until I was hired on the spot that I realized this was an answer to my prayers. I got to choose my own schedule, so I don’t have to work on Sundays (thank God), and I picked my work hours, so this job doesn’t interfere with my current writing schedule. It is only a part time position, but it is an answer to my financial troubles and I’m giving all glory to God. Not just because He blessed me with a wonderful job and hours, but because He opened my eyes to see it as a blessing in the first place.

I could have been grumbling and complaining about this. I could have asked why God didn’t just throw money at me or bless book sales to increase. Don’t get me wrong, I am still very much praying for the success of the publishing company, but I am grateful for the opportunity to work at a time like this when people are losing jobs faster than ever. I am blessed to be able to choose my own schedule and to have my Sabbath day off and to still be able to work productively for The Rebel Christian Publishing in my off time.

This may not have been an answer I was looking for, but God still heard me and I’m so happy about that! I just want to remind readers to look for the blessings in your lives. Sometimes we miss them because they don’t come in the form we are expecting. But don’t ever be confused, the blessings are there. You just have to recognize them—some have to stop running and reach out and grab them.

My friend, whatever you have been praying for, whether healing, finances, marriage, or anything else, do not doubt that God hears you. Even if you have been waiting days, months, or years, God is still there. Keep praising and keep pushing, God will never leave you nor forsake you.

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