The Rebel Christian

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God Protects His People

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This is an incredibly shocking time that we are experiencing right now. I never imagined my travel would be restricted to the grocery store and the bank, or that I’d be fighting for toilet tissue, or that the schools in my city would be closed for months—some for the rest of the year. People are sick and getting diagnosed by the thousands, some people are even dying. I never would have guessed things would reach this point, but here we are.

Somehow, throughout all this mess, I feel a deep sense of peace and even joy. I may not be able to move about the city as freely as I would like—I may not even be able to travel for a little while longer than I’d like, but I am here with my family and I’ve been blessed with such a good one. We all get along, and we all love being around each other. My house does not feel cramped at all, in fact, we are all so happy together—in a way, I don’t want this time at home to end.

I am very blessed to have a job that allows me to function from home and I’m blessed to have every member of my family alive and healthy. None of our finances have been interrupted and even my grandmother, who lives a short distance away, has been able to keep a good stock of groceries and supplies in her home.

Even though there is a storm raging all around me, I am at peace because I serve a God who honors His promises. I was promised protection, wisdom, and provision in the Word of God [Psalm 23] and that is exactly what I have received. Please do not read my words and think that I am trying to brag about what I have and look down on what others do not—if that is the attitude you have taken, then you have gravely misunderstood me.

I am not bragging about myself or what I have at all, I am bragging about my Father God!

Just this morning I had laid out shopping plans with my little sister about how we would go out together and coordinate our efforts to get our hands on just one package of toilet tissue. The stores in my city have all been emptied of toiletries and sanitary products; eggs, milk, meat, and medicinal items are limited to two per customer, and lines during afternoon hours are long and filled with nervous, sometimes angry, shoppers. While my family was blessed with a good stock of toilet paper before the “scare” happened, our supply had begun to dwindle, and I had every right to worry.

But I didn’t.

Instead of worrying, I handed the issue over to God and before I knew it, the problem had been solved! While I was locked in my office, typing away at work, my little sister had gone out to pick up our older sister from work—her building has not closed, thank God—and on the way home they noticed a truck loading supplies into a small local store. Without thinking, they pulled a U-turn and went inside and praise the Lord! They found all the supplies we needed, freshly restocked before anyone else had gotten into the store. How amazing is God?? He blessed us to get first pick of supplies that are on high demand right now, even better than that, the Lord Jesus Christ blessed my sisters to make it into the store before anyone else had come in, so they got fresh supplies and didn’t have to wait in a long line! Only God could do such a wonderful thing!

Worry does absolutely nothing but cause headaches. You cannot change a thing in your situation by thinking negatively, but you can change everything by praying about it. Almost five years ago, I wrote an article on worry and its impact on our faith and relationship with God. I strongly urge you to take a look at it now, especially if you feel overwhelmed during this nationwide scare. You can read my article on worry by clicking here.

You don’t have to worry about running out of supplies because God is our provider.

You don’t have to worry about getting sick because God is our healer.

Don’t look to the stores or even the doctors, look to God.

When you worry, you are acting against God because worry is disbelief in His ultimate power. So if you truly believe that the God you serve is the God who parted the Red Sea, raised Lazarus from the dead, walked on water, fed thousands on rations for just a few, and died on the Cross to save you, then why don’t believe that this God can keep tissue in your house and food on your table?

Just look at this scripture next time you wonder if God can help you today.

He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32 NIV

This is the perfect time for God to show up and show out in your life—trust Him enough to give Him the chance and you will be amazed.

Be encouraged and be in faith. Never let go of God.