The Rebel Christian

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Is The Bible Relevant Today?

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in this world who doubt the power of God. I have heard a lot of negative comments from people who are not Christian—or not very good Christians—about the relevance of the Bible today.

Going through college, these types of comments were said in class quite often:

Is the Bible relevant today?

The Bible does not address this problem in our society.

Christianity is silent on this issue today.

As a firm Believer in the Word of God and a proud Child of the Most High God, I can personally testify that the Bible is absolutely relevant today. The Bible addresses every problem and issue in every society in every time period. And Christianity is never silent—God has an answer to your prayers, be patient and learn to recognize His voice when He speaks.

II Timothy 3:16-17 NIV says All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I love this scripture because it immediately places the Word of God at the center of teaching, rebuking, and training. This scripture puts to rest all arguments over whether or not prayer should be taught in schools—the Word of God should be the first thing you teach your children to read, no matter what the school system recommends. When Christ is at the very center of your life, you cannot fail.

The question of relevance in relation to the Bible is a question that can only come form someone who clearly does not read the Bible. The scripture above says the Bible will thoroughly equip us for every good work—not just work we will do in 1200 AD or work we did in 1905 when the Bible was “still relevant.” Please do not be fooled by people who are not part of the Body of Christ and do not know what they are talking about.  

If someone is in the mindset of questioning the Bible or Christianity’s “relevance” then they have already been fooled by the devil. To say the Bible does not address an issue in our society is to say that God does not care. Why on earth would our loving Father leave out instruction on how to handle the problems we may face in life? God is not human, He does not forget and is never surprised by the problems, issues, or epidemics that plague our world. No matter what the situation is—racism, sexism, illness, drugs, addiction, homosexuality, poverty—the answer will always be Christ Jesus. No matter what we are facing, the Cross is the answer and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar and the truth is not in them.

I understand that we live in a time where things may seem uncertain and even a little scary. If you had asked me in 2019 where I’d be this spring of 2020, my answer would have been on a cruise ship. I am as shocked as anyone to be living through a pandemic and I will be the first one to get out and celebrate as soon as the quarantine has ended. But while I am here inside of my home, working from a computer or tablet instead of an office, I am constantly giving God the praise and glory.

The Wuhan virus does not make God irrelevant. COVID-19 is not something new that the Bible has no answer for. Christianity is not silent on this terrible illness sweeping the world.

Look at the scripture from Hebrews 13:8 NIV, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. If God was a healer two-thousand years ago then He’s still a healer today. If God was a provider one-hundred years ago then He’s still a provider today. If God was relevant one-thousand years ago then He is still relevant today.

Do not try to take God out of your life or your situation just because you don’t see where He fits. It is not your place to stick God where He belongs—God is everywhere all the time whether you want Him to be or not. If you want to reject His blessings, fine by me, but you will not discourage me in my faith and I will not remain silent while confused, devilish people attempt to lead honest brothers and sisters astray.

I do not like confrontation, and I do not believe in arguing over the Word of God. My Father was here before me and He will be here after. Jesus does not need me to fight for Him at all, but I choose to take advantage of the blessings God has given me through The Rebel Christian by sharing His Word in any way that I can. I simply cannot remain quiet on this issue and if there is a chance I can educate and encourage a fellow brother/sister in Christ then I will do everything I can to help him/her.

Do not take part in foolish debates/arguments with people who feel the need to question the authority or relevance of the Word of God. The Bible tells us to ignore those sorts of people—but that doesn’t mean we have to ignore the problem [II Timothy 2:23]. Educate yourselves—READ YOUR BIBLE—and don’t let anyone who isn’t Christian tell you anything about God, the Bible, or Christianity. You wouldn’t let the devil explain the Word to you, would you? So, then, why would you let an unsaved person explain the Bible to you?

The Corona Virus has taken many people by surprise, but it has not surprised God. If you will just trust in Him, you’ll see God’s plan working on your behalf and on behalf of all those who love Him. Its understandable to be confused and afraid right now, but God tells us not to worry. I want to encourage you to look at my other articles, you can find many words of encourage in the Rebel Blog or the archives—I recommend the articles Let Not Your Hearts Be Worried and God Protects His People. You might also enjoy my articles on writing Christian fiction which you can find in the Writer’s Blog, or my interviews and features on Christian artists in the Features Blog.

If you haven’t professed Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior, say this prayer below and join the Body of Christ today. Be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter using the form below, I’d love to stay in touch with you.

Dear God,

I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness of my sins. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I believe in you God, Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus’ virgin birth, crucifixion, and resurrection. I want Jesus to come into my heart today, that I may follow You as Lord, from this day forward. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thank you so much for reading! God bless!