Our Story/Contact

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Please keep in mind; a response is not guaranteed as I am a very busy lady!


The Rebel Christian Publishing LLC
350 Northern Blvd STE 324 - 1390
Albany, NY 12204-1000

Where do I start?

My name is Valicity Elaine, the owner/creator of The Rebel Christian Publishing. TRC began in July 2015 as a small blog offering free book reviews in exchange for subscribers to my newsletter. Jesus has really brought us a long way! Owning a publishing company has always been my goal but it was something years down the line, after I became a New York Times bestselling author—that’s coming soon, keep an eye out. But God had other plans.

Welcome to the biggest DIY project of my life.

When I finished my Christian YA dark fantasy novel and began searching for agents in 2015, I was met with a brick wall of rejection letters. So I took things into my own hands and self-published the novel. That wasn’t a total flop, but it was pretty floppy. Fast forward to 2018 where my work has been backburned, overshadowed by my growing blog and other career opportunities I’d decided to explore. With no plans or goal in sight, I removed my book from Amazon and ended up writing two other novels in the meantime.

Skip to 2020; I’ve spent the last two years wiping sloppy tears off a brand new mountain of rejection letters (for those other two novels I wrote), but there was a light at the end of the tunnel!

The Lord blessed me to land an internship with an independent publishing company. It was a local business with a focus on non-fiction and historical novels about architecture and the city I lived in. They didn’t publish anything I would ever read, but I was happy. I was working at a real publishing company and one of my bosses was constantly reminding me that I was talented. Granted, she always told me I was a talented editor—not a writer—but she’s also never read my writing so there’s no insult there, haha. While working at this company I quickly realized three important things.

  1. There’s a lot of work that goes into publishing a single novel.

  2. There’s a lot of work that goes into marketing/advertising a single novel.

  3. I can do all that work myself.

Really, the company was so small I was already doing most of the work myself. So after just one month of interning at the local publishing company, I quit and began laying down the foundation for The Rebel Christian Publishing. Finally, there is a company willing to publish my books without complaining about the violence, action, romance, or about it being too Christian. This dream of mine did not come together the way I had planned, in fact, my dreams are a little out of order but they are coming true—one at a time, God is checking off my to-do list with rapid fire.

I meant it when I said to keep an eye out; the next time you’ll see my name it will be on a New York Times bestseller’s list. That’s a promise.

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